Your personal first aid kit

Most injuries happen at home. People fall down steps or cut themselves when cooking. So, it’s best to have everything you need close at hand in your first aid kit.

Where to keep it

Where is a suitable place to keep your medicine cabinet? Certainly not in your bathroom: medication and bandages should be stored in a dry, cool room, and definitely out of the reach of children.

First aid kit contents

  • adhesive tape
  • aluminium blanket
  • breathing barrier (with one-way valve)
  • cleansing wipes
  • gauze compresses
  • hot/cold pack
  • latex-free disposable gloves
  • oral thermometer (non-mercury/non-glass)
  • over the counter pain relief
  • over the counter antihistamine
  • roller bandage
  • sterile eye pad
  • sterile plasters
  • sterile wound dressings
  • scissors
  • triangular bandage
  • tweezers
  • wound closure strips
  • emergency first aid guide

Seek medical guidance if there is any uncertainty to whether you can use or take any of the items mentioned above.

Expert wound care by Leukoplast:

Leukoplast® strong

Highly adhesive water-repellent first aid dressing for short-term use on minor wounds.


Absorbent, sterile dressing for minor to medium-sized wounds.

Leukosan® Strip

Topical, adhesive strips for the atraumatic closure of small wounds.